Perseus project Kick-off Meeting featured a detailed exploration of Open Science practices and requirements in Horizon Europe
Date: 15 March 2023
Location: Parma
In the academic and research world, Open Science has emerged as a modern, inclusive approach that promotes accessible, transparent, and collaborative work. It prioritises knowledge sharing and accessibility, transforming the conventional methods of conducting and disseminating research.
During the recent Kick-off Meeting for the Perseus Project, held at CNR-IMEM in Parma, Dr. Emma Lazzeri from GARR provided an insightful presentation on the role and implications of Open Science in Horizon Europe. This topic is particularly relevant in the current scientific climate in which Open Access, data transparency, and reproducibility are vital for scientific progress. Open Access is also crucial for attracting new talent to science and to spread knowledge and awareness of excellent research to underprivileged users, thus promoting scientific literacy within communities that may normally lack it.
Dr. Lazzeri detailed the core components of Open Science practices in Horizon Europe, which include early and open sharing of research, effective research output management, ensuring the reproducibility of research outputs, providing open access to research outputs, and involving all relevant knowledge actors in research and innovation agenda setting.
A significant part of the presentation focused on the requirements for Open Access and data management. According to the grant agreement in Horizon Europe, beneficiaries are expected to ensure Open Access to their scientific publications. They must also manage digital research data responsibly, aligning with the FAIR principles – a set of guidelines that ensure Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability of digital assets. This includes establishing a data management plan and depositing data in a trusted repository.
In addition to these core practices, Dr. Lazzeri introduced Open Research Europe, a platform launched in March 2021, dedicated to providing an efficient and reliable Open Access publishing venue for EU-funded research. This platform benefits authors and beneficiaries by ensuring swift publication times, transparent processes, and no associated costs.
As a conclusion to her presentation, Dr. Lazzeri underscored some key takeaways for researchers. These include the need to develop a solid data management plan, to strategically retain rights on publications, to use trusted repositories for depositing project outputs, and to plan for the comprehensive implementation of Open Science practices.
Dr. Lazzeri’s presentation serves as a brief guide for researchers, providing detailed insights into the role of Open Science in Horizon Europe. For further enquiries, Dr. Emma Lazzeri can be contacted at emma DOT lazzeri AT garr DOT it or more information can be found at Open Research Europe.
Download the slides at the following link:
Lazzeri, Emma. (2023, March 15). Open Science Obligations in Horizon
Europe. PERSEUS Kickoff Meeting, Parma, Italy. Zenodo.